Creators (Writers, Directors, Producers) P​lease complete your profile below along with the details of your first pitch. Please be sure to check your email to confirm your registration and activate your subscription. After subscribing your Pitch will be available for Executives to view and Executives will be able to contact you directly via our messaging system. You'll also receive instant email notifications anytime a Company views your Pitch or an Executive sends you a message.

All Pitch Listings require an Active Subscription which Includes your 1st Pitch:
Monthly Subscription - $39.00
Semi-Annual Subscription - $179 (25% Discount)
Annual Subscription - $299 (35% Discount)
Additional Pitch Listings May Be added for a one-time fee of $39/per


Upload an image to represent yourself

Tell our Executives about yourself, your background and any other details that pertain to your work as a creator


Please provide details on your pitch below. You can upload a picture to represent your pitch and fill in details for Logline and Synopsis. The more detail you are able to provide the easier it will be for Executives to find your project in a search.

Upload an image to represent your pitch
The short pitch. 1 or 2 sentences that tell the unique premise and hook of your story or concept
A detailed outline of your story or concept

Please check the appropriate categories for your Pitch (TV, FILM or WEB/NEW MEDIA) along with sub-genres and categories that apply


" Check only 1 Genre "

" Check all genres that apply"

" Check only 1 Genre "

Please SCROLL TO BOTTOM OF IPITCH TERMS OF SERVICE, then mark check-box to continue